Archive | Environment & Climate

Flood desaster in Bukit Lawang

Flood desaster in Bukit Lawang

09 November, 2003

Watch Indonesia! – call for help

Dear readers,

enclosed we send you some new information on the flood disaster in Bukit Lawang/Bohorok, North Sumatra. Politicians blame illegal loggers for the disaster, labelling them as „terrorists“. However, we don´t know yet what kind of action they are planning to take in this new kind of „war on terrorism“. Meanwhile The Jakarta Post reports on heavy irregularities in the distribution of donations to ... read more

Posted on 03:17 PM in Disasters, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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The Federal Government of Germany and the German Bundestag must ban the import of illegal timber now!

The Federal Government of Germany and the German Bundestag must ban the import of illegal timber now!

13 October 2003

Appeal for measures against illegal timber trade

Illegal logging and timber trade are – as well as legal overexploitation – one of the main reasons for the destruction of forests, especially primary forests. According to World Bank estimates, the timber exporting countries are losing about EUR 10 – 15 billion in taxes by these illegal dealings. Illegal logging destroys enormous forest areas, threatens biodiversity and ruins the basis of life of the local population. Forest and ... read more

Posted on 09:47 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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Walhi Demands A Halt To Freeport Mine Operations

Walhi Demands A Halt To Freeport Mine Operations

WALHI press release, October 11, 2003

Friends of the Earth Indonesia, (WALHI) demands the government halt operations at the Grasberg mine (known as Freeport) following a disastrous landslide on Thursday morning 9 October 2003. The Grasberg mine in West Papua is jointly owned by USA-based Freeport McMoran and UK/Australian mining company Rio Tinto Ltd.

“This event proves Freeport is not competent to handle the current high level of mining production. The government must immediately enforce a reduction in the Freeport production capacity” ... read more

Posted on 04:29 PM in Disasters, Indonesia, Mining, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Kahlschlag auf Sumatra stoppen

(Deutsch) Kahlschlag auf Sumatra stoppen

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German and Indonesian version

Posted on 04:18 PM in Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Indonesien soll Kahlschlag auf Sumatra stoppen

(Deutsch) Indonesien soll Kahlschlag auf Sumatra stoppen

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German version

Posted on 10:01 AM in Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Asien-Reise zur Förderung einer ökologisch und sozial verträglichen Wald- und Papierwirtschaft in Indonesien und zur Lösung der Umschuldung des APP-Konzerns nutzen!

(Deutsch) Asien-Reise zur Förderung einer ökologisch und sozial verträglichen Wald- und Papierwirtschaft in Indonesien und zur Lösung der Umschuldung des APP-Konzerns nutzen!

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German version

Posted on 04:33 PM in Joint Open Letters, Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate
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Indorayon puts human life and environment at risk

Indorayon puts human life and environment at risk

Vereinte Evangelische Mission
Gemeinschaft von Kirchen in drei Erdteilen
United Evangelical Mission
Communion of Churches in three Continents
Mission Evangélique Unie
Communion d’Eglises dans trois Continents
Rudolfstr. 137
D-42285 Wuppertal-Germany

Telefax: 0202 / 89004-179
Telefon: 0202 / 89004-132

Press Release, 01/30/2003

UEM against the reopening of pulp mill in Indonesia

Wuppertal, 30th January 2003 – The UEM supports the protest of Indonesian churches and NGOs against the reopening of the PT Inti Indorayon Utama pulp mill in North ... read more

Posted on 05:13 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Unbeschreibliches Papier aus Tropenholz

(Deutsch) Unbeschreibliches Papier aus Tropenholz

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German version

Posted on 09:52 AM in Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Watch Indonesia! – ein Auge auf den Inselstaat

(Deutsch) Watch Indonesia! – ein Auge auf den Inselstaat

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German version

Posted on 06:53 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Wald bald Papier

(Deutsch) Wald bald Papier

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German version

Posted on 09:20 AM in Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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