Indorayon puts human life and environment at risk
Vereinte Evangelische Mission
Gemeinschaft von Kirchen in drei Erdteilen
United Evangelical Mission
Communion of Churches in three Continents
Mission Evangélique Unie
Communion d’Eglises dans trois Continents
Rudolfstr. 137
D-42285 Wuppertal-GermanyTelefax: 0202 / 89004-179
Telefon: 0202 / 89004-132
E-Mail: info@vemission.orgPress Release, 01/30/2003
UEM against the reopening of pulp mill in Indonesia
Wuppertal, 30th January 2003 – The UEM supports the protest of Indonesian churches and NGOs against the reopening of the PT Inti Indorayon Utama pulp mill in North ... read more
Posted on 05:13 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate