Archive | Human Rights

(Deutsch) Neuer Milizenterror

(Deutsch) Neuer Milizenterror

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Posted on 09:25 AM in Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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East Timor Federation Urges International Tribunal on Timor Vote Anniversary Calls Case for Tribunal “Irrefutable”

East Timor Federation Urges International Tribunal on Timor Vote Anniversary Calls Case for Tribunal “Irrefutable”

30 August 2000

Contact: John M. Miller, ETAN, +1-718-596-7668; +1-917-690-4391 (US) Paul Barber, TAPOL, +44-1420-80153 (UK)

Calling “the case for an international tribunal for East Timor … now irrefutable,” the International Federation for East Timor (IFET) today urged UN Secretary General Kofi Annan immediately take steps to establish one. In a letter delivered to the Secretary-General on the anniversary of East Timor’s vote for independence, IFET wrote that the recent passage of a constitutional amendment introducing a non-retroactivity principle “confirms our prior ... read more

Posted on 06:54 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) “Militär hat Schuld”

(Deutsch) “Militär hat Schuld”

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Posted on 09:34 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Runder Tisch zu West Papua

(Deutsch) Runder Tisch zu West Papua

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Posted on 01:59 PM in Activities, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Round Table Talks on West Papua, June 2000, Events
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IFET demands UN Secretary General to support an International Tribunal for East Timor

IFET demands UN Secretary General to support an International Tribunal for East Timor

IFET, July 5, 2000

The following is the full text of a letter sent to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan today by the International Federation for East Timor and more than 80 other organizations in support of an international tribunal for East Timor.

International Federation for East Timor, July 5, 2000 His Excellency Kofi Annan Secretary General of the United Nations By fax to 1-212-963-2155 Dear Excellency: We are writing to urge you to recommend to the Security ... read more

Posted on 01:44 PM in Joint Open Letters, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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International Federation Warns of West Papua-East Timor Parallels in Letter to Indonesia’s President

International Federation Warns of West Papua-East Timor Parallels in Letter to Indonesia’s President

June 13, 2000

Warning of ominous parallels between the situation in West Papua and events last year in East Timor, Charles Scheiner, United Nations Representative of the International Federation for East Timor (IFET), urged Indonesia’s President Abdurrahman Wahid to “stop militia terror while it can still be controlled” in West Papua. The militias, Scheiner said in a letter sent to President Wahid on his visit today to the United Nations, “operate with the logistical and political support of the Indonesian ... read more

Posted on 07:19 AM in democracy, Joint Open Letters, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, security sector
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(Deutsch) Rot-grüne Asienpolitik in der Kritik

(Deutsch) Rot-grüne Asienpolitik in der Kritik

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Posted on 02:28 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, security sector, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Churches in solidarity with East Timor’s population

Churches in solidarity with East Timor’s population

Evangelical Church in Germany, EKD-Bulletin 04/1999
Observing the referendum and statements

The Evangelical Church in Germany, together with the Roman Catholic Church, had agreed to and supported the dispatch of 9 people to observe the referendum in East Timor on 30. August 1999. The applicant and sponsor of this measure was the non-governmental organisation (NRO) “Watch Indonesia”, resident in Germany, which prepared the participants for this important peace-keeping mission with a 6-day intensive course, and had taken on the responsibility ... read more

Posted on 12:33 PM in History & Overview, Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Das Kassandra-Syndrom

(Deutsch) Das Kassandra-Syndrom

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German version

Posted on 06:58 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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East Timor: A predictable disaster

East Timor: A predictable disaster

20. September 1999

By Jörg Meier in Dili / Darwin / Jakarta *

The “worst case scenario” has become reality. After an overwhelmingly majority of the East Timorese people voted against the solution of wide range autonomy under Indonesia, the situation in the eastern half of Timor, which was annexed by Indonesia in 1975, went totally out of control. At least that’s the say. Even president Habibie confessed that Indonesia alone isn’t able to control the ... read more

Posted on 03:26 PM in History & Overview, Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, East Timor, Publications
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