Archive | Indonesia

(Deutsch) Putsch ohne Panzer

(Deutsch) Putsch ohne Panzer

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German version

Posted on 04:29 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Bombenterror: Der indonesische Staat versagt bei der Aufklärung der Bombenanschläge

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German version

Posted on 07:05 PM in Indonesia, security sector
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(Deutsch) Verfassungskrise in Jakarta

(Deutsch) Verfassungskrise in Jakarta

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German version

Posted on 04:36 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Rendra: Rakyat Hanya Jadi Kawula

(Bahasa Indonesia) Rendra: Rakyat Hanya Jadi Kawula

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Indonesian version

Posted on 03:54 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Ost-Timor – Der bittere Sieg

(Deutsch) Ost-Timor – Der bittere Sieg

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German version

Posted on 03:05 PM in History & Overview, Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Justice For East Timor

Justice For East Timor

Berlin, 13 June 2001

We are organisations with long-standing links with the peoples of Indonesia and East Timor. We have followed events in East Timor for many years and have sought to show support and solidarity for our East Timorese friends in their constant search for justice and peace. This statement arises out of our dismay at recent developments in Indonesia and East Timor concerning the administration of justice for gross violations of human rights committed in East Timor.

The ... read more

Posted on 01:32 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) Menschenrechtler fordern Sondertribunal für Osttimor

(Deutsch) Menschenrechtler fordern Sondertribunal für Osttimor

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German version

Posted on 10:59 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Der Druck wächst

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German version

Posted on 03:04 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, security sector
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(Deutsch) Wo bleibt die rot-grüne Menschenrechtspolitik?

(Deutsch) Wo bleibt die rot-grüne Menschenrechtspolitik?

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German version

Posted on 10:24 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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(Deutsch) Hermes

(Deutsch) Hermes

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German version

Posted on 04:02 AM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate, SUARA magazine
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