Archive | Indonesia

(Deutsch) “Die Kuh” – Finissage der Fotoausstellung: Aceh 360°. 18. Dezember 2017

(Deutsch) “Die Kuh” – Finissage der Fotoausstellung: Aceh 360°. 18. Dezember 2017

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German version

Posted on 04:20 PM in Aceh, Activities, democracy, Disasters, Elections & Political Parties, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Campaign, Rainforest, Regional Conflicts, security sector, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Fotografer Aceh Chaideer Mahyuddin Pamer Potret Tanah Rencong di Jerman

(Bahasa Indonesia) Fotografer Aceh Chaideer Mahyuddin Pamer Potret Tanah Rencong di Jerman

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Indonesian version

Posted on 11:05 PM in Aceh, Activities, Visitor Programmes, Human Development, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Pernah Bergerilya saat Konflik hingga Jadi Fotografer, Chaideer Gelar Pameran Foto Tunggal di Jerman

(Bahasa Indonesia) Pernah Bergerilya saat Konflik hingga Jadi Fotografer, Chaideer Gelar Pameran Foto Tunggal di Jerman

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Indonesian version

Posted on 10:05 PM in Aceh, Activities, Visitor Programmes, Human Development, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Abu Chaideer, Fotografer Aceh Pamerkan Aceh Lewat Foto di Berlin

(Bahasa Indonesia) Abu Chaideer, Fotografer Aceh Pamerkan Aceh Lewat Foto di Berlin

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Indonesian version

Posted on 10:05 PM in Aceh, Activities, Visitor Programmes, Human Development, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Fotografer Aceh gelar pameran tunggal di Jerman

(Bahasa Indonesia) Fotografer Aceh gelar pameran tunggal di Jerman

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Indonesian version

Posted on 10:05 PM in Activities, Visitor Programmes, Human Development, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Das gescheiterte Experiment

(Deutsch) Das gescheiterte Experiment

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German version

Posted on 01:27 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Papua, Publications, Rainforest, Regional Conflicts, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Tanja Hummel hat keine Angst vor dem großen Knall auf Bali

(Deutsch) Tanja Hummel hat keine Angst vor dem großen Knall auf Bali

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German version

Posted on 04:01 AM in "In the Spotlight", Disasters, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Fotoausstellung: Aceh 360°, Berlin, 5.-18. Dezember 2017

(Deutsch) Fotoausstellung: Aceh 360°, Berlin, 5.-18. Dezember 2017

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German version

Posted on 04:20 PM in Aceh, Activities, democracy, Disasters, Elections & Political Parties, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Campaign, Rainforest, Regional Conflicts, security sector, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Lesung ‘Die Verlorene Heimat’ mit Martin Aleida, 21.-28. November 2017

(Deutsch) Lesung ‘Die Verlorene Heimat’ mit Martin Aleida, 21.-28. November 2017

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German version

Posted on 12:36 AM in Activities, Justice, History & Overview, Human Rights, Indonesia, Campaign, Transitional Justice
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Constitutional Courts protect minority rights

Constitutional Courts protect minority rights

Information and analysis, 08 November 2017

by Alex Flor

It’s a good week for minorities in Indonesia and Germany. Both countries’ Constitutional Courts took important decisions against discriminatory laws. In Indonesia the Court ruled that believers of indigenous faiths shall be recognized similar to people who belong to one of the six religions officially acknowledged so far. Instead of leaving the entry for religion blank on their ID cards and other documents, they shall be given ... read more

Posted on 03:45 AM in Justice, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, Society & Religion
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