Archive | Indonesia

(Deutsch) Illegal trotz neuem Abkommen

(Deutsch) Illegal trotz neuem Abkommen

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German version

Posted on 12:53 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Matematika, politik, dan tuyul

(Bahasa Indonesia) Matematika, politik, dan tuyul

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Indonesian version

Posted on 04:48 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia
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(Deutsch) Für eine menschenrechtskonforme, sozial-­ und umweltverträgliche Außenwirtschaftsförderung

(Deutsch) Für eine menschenrechtskonforme, sozial-­ und umweltverträgliche Außenwirtschaftsförderung

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German version

Posted on 03:26 AM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, joint position papers, Human Rights, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Presidential threshold, gas, dan lumpur

(Bahasa Indonesia) Presidential threshold, gas, dan lumpur

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Indonesian version

Posted on 07:37 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Angesagt – aus der Arbeit von Watch Indonesia!

(Deutsch) Angesagt – aus der Arbeit von Watch Indonesia!

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German version

Posted on 09:43 PM in Agro Fuels, Activities, democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Rights, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Recent Activities, Land & Indigenous Rights, Papua, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Society & Religion, Environment & Climate, SUARA magazine
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Tuyul ambang batas DPR

(Bahasa Indonesia) Tuyul ambang batas DPR

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Indonesian version

Posted on 09:05 PM in democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Ayo Berpolitik!

(Bahasa Indonesia) Ayo Berpolitik!

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Indonesian version

Posted on 06:35 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Intel mendukung pejabatan Foke sebagai Dubes RI di Jerman

(Bahasa Indonesia) Intel mendukung pejabatan Foke sebagai Dubes RI di Jerman

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:03 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Mampukah Mampukah Fauzi Bowo Redam Isu Kemerdekaan Papua di Jerman?

(Bahasa Indonesia) Mampukah Mampukah Fauzi Bowo Redam Isu Kemerdekaan Papua di Jerman?

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Indonesian version

Posted on 04:30 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Ambang batas parlemen dan nilai suara

(Bahasa Indonesia) Ambang batas parlemen dan nilai suara

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Indonesian version

Posted on 04:27 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia
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