Archive | Indonesia

(Bahasa Indonesia) Suara Rakyat Terancam Hilang

(Bahasa Indonesia) Suara Rakyat Terancam Hilang

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Indonesian version

Posted on 11:29 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Pemohon Tambah Pasal yang Diuji

(Bahasa Indonesia) Pemohon Tambah Pasal yang Diuji

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Indonesian version

Posted on 10:29 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Diduga MK sudah punya putusan sebelum sidang ambang batas PT

(Bahasa Indonesia) Diduga MK sudah punya putusan sebelum sidang ambang batas PT

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Indonesian version

Posted on 10:42 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Indonesien: Versagen bei der Bewältigung der Vergangenheit

(Deutsch) Indonesien: Versagen bei der Bewältigung der Vergangenheit

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German version

Posted on 03:46 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Freispruch im Mordfall Munir: <BR>Straflosigkeit in Indonesien geht weiter

(Deutsch) Freispruch im Mordfall Munir:
Straflosigkeit in Indonesien geht weiter

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German version

Posted on 02:29 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Keine Sühne für Giftmord an Menschenrechtler

(Deutsch) Keine Sühne für Giftmord an Menschenrechtler

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German version

Posted on 02:11 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Bleibt Mord an indonesischem Menschenrechtler Munir ungesühnt?

(Deutsch) Bleibt Mord an indonesischem Menschenrechtler Munir ungesühnt?

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German version

Posted on 05:16 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Acquittal in the Murder of Indonesian Rights Activist Strengthens Impunity

Acquittal in the Murder of Indonesian Rights Activist Strengthens Impunity

01 January 2009

On 31 December 2008, the South Jakarta District Court acquitted Muchdi Purwopranjono, former Deputy Director of Indonesia’s national intelligence agency (BIN), for want of evidence. He has been charged with the murder of well-known human rights lawyer Munir. Watch Indonesia! criticizes the flawed conduct of judges and prosecutors: due to the implausible motive of the indictment, the weak evidence presented and the lack of witness protection, a conviction of Muchdi in accordance with rule of law-standards would have ... read more

Posted on 04:50 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Aerial bombardment of peasants in Sumatran village

Berlin, 23rd December 2008

Press Release

On Thursday, 18th December, hundreds of police and paramilitaries attacked the Sumatran village Suluk Bongkal in Riau Province with tear gas and guns. A helicopter dropped incendiary devices on the village, with eye witnesses alleging that napalm was used. Hundreds of houses immediately went up in flames. Two young children were killed and many people were injured. Most of the villagers have fled into the forest. Others have been arrested. Two days later, a helicopter flew ... read more

Posted on 04:31 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Women and Poverty

Women and Poverty

POTRET, Media Perempuan Aceh (Edisi XXI, Tahun 2008), December 18, 2008

by Marianne Klute and Victoria Kumala, Watch Indonesia!

Amirah rushes home, her basket filled with vegetable leaves from the countryside. She is in a hurry, wondering how to feed her children and when to take care of her old father tonight. Amirah feels exhausted, not only because she is hungry, but also because she feels the burden of life. After a long day in the family’s garden, there ... read more

Posted on 06:02 PM in Aceh, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Development, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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