Archive | Indonesia

Conflict: Indigenous People, Palm Oil, Conservationist and Carbon Trading

Conflict: Indigenous People, Palm Oil, Conservationist and Carbon Trading

Redamazon, 12 November, 2007

Read the interview below, it is a good example of how the energy shift is going the wrong way. Everyone wants a piece of the Indonesian Rainforest: logging companies, palm oil companies, carbon offsetting companies and conservationist companies such as WWF. In the name of „reducing carbon emissions” some of these companies are taking over the rainforest without consulting the Indigenous People living there and without taking in account their knowledge of how to preserve the ... read more

Posted on 01:12 AM in Agro Fuels, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Alokasi Kursi Dapil Jangan Dipatok

(Bahasa Indonesia) Alokasi Kursi Dapil Jangan Dipatok

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:42 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Pengelolaan Anggaran Pemilu 2009 Harus Terbuka

(Bahasa Indonesia) Pengelolaan Anggaran Pemilu 2009 Harus Terbuka

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:08 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Permintaan KPU Rp 47,9 Triliun Dipangkas

(Bahasa Indonesia) Permintaan KPU Rp 47,9 Triliun Dipangkas

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:03 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Tak Ada Negara di Pasar Turi

(Bahasa Indonesia) Tak Ada Negara di Pasar Turi

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Indonesian version

Posted on 10:45 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Between Economic and Security Interests: Russia’s Return To the Indonesian Archipelago

Between Economic and Security Interests: Russia’s Return To the Indonesian Archipelago

03. November 2007

By Dr. Ingo Wandelt
Federal Language Office
Hürth, Germany

Paper held at the Panel Discussion Economy and Security: Prospects for Indonesia’s Democratization Process
At Giessen University, Department of Political Science Saturday, 3 November 2007

President Vladimir Putin’s one-day visit to Indonesia on September 6, 2007, signalled the return of an active Russia to Insular Southeast Asia’s largest state. The signing of eight bilateral agreements between the two governments in key fields of strategic cooperation ... read more

Posted on 12:19 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Publications, security sector, Studies, Watch's Studies and Reports
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Menanti Perlawanan Korupsi dari Dalam

(Bahasa Indonesia) Menanti Perlawanan Korupsi dari Dalam

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Indonesian version

Posted on 12:17 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Perbaikan Sistem Pemilu

(Bahasa Indonesia) Perbaikan Sistem Pemilu

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Indonesian version

Posted on 03:52 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Straße in die Infektion: AIDS in Papua

(Deutsch) Straße in die Infektion: AIDS in Papua

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German version

Posted on 02:18 PM in Human Development, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Mampukah UU AP Menjadi Tumpuan Publik?

(Bahasa Indonesia) Mampukah UU AP Menjadi Tumpuan Publik?

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Indonesian version

Posted on 02:05 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Rainforest Instead of Palm Oil


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