Archive | Indonesia

What Future for Papua?

What Future for Papua?

April 2007

Alex Flor, Marianne Klute, Petra Stockmann

The Helsinki agreement of 2005 marks the historic peace process for Indonesia’s westernmost province Aceh. After three decades of violence and repression, the long self determination conflict is in the process of being resolved. Both the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government have made substantial concessions for this to happen. However, for the second most burning and long lasting self-determination conflict, concerning Indonesia’s easternmost region Papua, formerly ... read more

Posted on 01:52 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Mining, Papua, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media, Watch's Studies and Reports
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(Deutsch) Mit der Lufthansa von Ambon nach Jayapura

(Deutsch) Mit der Lufthansa von Ambon nach Jayapura

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German version

Posted on 07:23 AM in "In the Spotlight", Indonesia, Publications
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Perluas Kewenangan MK

(Bahasa Indonesia) Perluas Kewenangan MK

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Indonesian version

Posted on 03:29 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Constitutional Court judge a lifetime duty: Analysts

Constitutional Court judge a lifetime duty: Analysts

Jakarta Post, 17 April 2007

Tony Hotland, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Any revisions to the Constitutional Court law should be focused on minimizing the influence political powers have on the court’s judges, observers told a discussion here Monday.

One possibility, they said, would be changing the selection mechanism concerning the court’s nine judges who have the final say on a range of issues including the annulment of laws, dissolution of political parties, election disputes and impeachment ... read more

Posted on 11:17 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Kinerja MK Dibayangi Ketidakstabilan

(Bahasa Indonesia) Kinerja MK Dibayangi Ketidakstabilan

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Indonesian version

Posted on 09:23 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Perempuan Bersiap Hadapi Pemilihan Umum 2009

(Bahasa Indonesia) Perempuan Bersiap Hadapi Pemilihan Umum 2009

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Indonesian version

Posted on 09:16 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Pulang Kampung Usai Kuliah? Siapa Takut

(Bahasa Indonesia) Pulang Kampung Usai Kuliah? Siapa Takut

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Indonesian version

Posted on 06:07 PM in Human Development, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Mempersoalkan Kembali „Keseimbangan“

(Bahasa Indonesia) Mempersoalkan Kembali „Keseimbangan“

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Indonesian version

Posted on 09:09 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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The New Indonesian Constitutional Court

The New Indonesian Constitutional Court

April 2007

A study into its beginnings and first years of work

by Petra Stockmann

[…] Constitutional courts in transition countries face a number of additional challenges: For one, the courts will in one way or another have to deal with the legacy of the past authoritarian regimes. Questions of transitional justice may also touch upon the realm of constitutional jurisdiction and might collide with the principle of upholding the law. And then there is the question of what ... read more

Posted on 04:03 AM in democracy, joint studies and reports, Justice, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications
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(Deutsch) Zweifel an der Autonomiegesetzgebung in West Papua

(Deutsch) Zweifel an der Autonomiegesetzgebung in West Papua

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German version

Posted on 02:27 PM in Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Human Development, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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