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(Deutsch) Osttimors Präsident Gusmão greift durch

(Deutsch) Osttimors Präsident Gusmão greift durch

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German version

Posted on 09:44 AM in East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Osttimors Präsident zieht Kontrolle der Armee an sich

(Deutsch) Osttimors Präsident zieht Kontrolle der Armee an sich

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German version

Posted on 09:31 AM in East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Chaos in Osttimor

(Deutsch) Chaos in Osttimor

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German version

Posted on 03:45 PM in Human Development, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Osttimor-Expertin: Präsident Gusmão muss Krise politisch lösen

(Deutsch) Osttimor-Expertin: Präsident Gusmão muss Krise politisch lösen

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German version

Posted on 10:07 AM in East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Gewaltausbruch in Osttimor hält an

(Deutsch) Gewaltausbruch in Osttimor hält an

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German version

Posted on 09:19 AM in East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Emden packt den Tiger in den Tank

(Deutsch) Emden packt den Tiger in den Tank

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German version

Posted on 08:09 AM in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) “Hausgemachte politische Führungskrise”

(Deutsch) “Hausgemachte politische Führungskrise”

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German version

Posted on 10:13 AM in East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Menggali Kebenaran

(Bahasa Indonesia) Menggali Kebenaran

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Indonesian version

Posted on 02:17 PM in Dealing With A Burdened Past - Transitional Justice and Democratization, conference 20./21.04.2006, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Events, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Reconciling truth and geopolitical truth

Reconciling truth and geopolitical truth

The Jakarta Post, May 11, 2006

Aboeprijadi Santoso, Berlin, Germany

Truth and reconciliation tribunals have been in vogue since former South African President Nelson Mandela launched formal pre-judiciary processes to help heal the victims of apartheid and re-unite his nation during the 1990s. Yet few other countries burdened with a troubled past have satisfactorily dealt with it by experimenting with transitional justice processes.

Some countries, such as Germany, succeeded without it. Whether the „Truth“ will finally ... read more

Posted on 12:26 PM in Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Membedakan Pemerintah dan Negara

(Bahasa Indonesia) Membedakan Pemerintah dan Negara

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Indonesian version

Posted on 02:35 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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