Archive | Position Papers

Indonesia: Impunity for human rights violations must be brought to an end

Indonesia: Impunity for human rights violations must be brought to an end

4th February 2003

Diakonisches Werk der EKD, Referat Menschenrechte, Stuttgart United Evangelical Mission, Wuppertal

Aide-Mémoire to the German delegation 59th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights 17th March to 25th April 2003

Diakonisches Werk der EKD, Human Rights Desk P.O.B. 10 11 42, D-70010 Stuttgart, Fon.: +49(0)711 – 21 56 – 743 Fax: +49(0)711 – 21 59 – 368 United Evangelical Mission Communion of Churches in three Continents Postfach 20 19 63, 42219 Wuppertal Rudolfstraße ... read more

Posted on 07:05 AM in joint position papers, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications
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Permanent Impunity – Indonesia’s Play on Time – East Timor

Permanent Impunity – Indonesia’s Play on Time – East Timor

14. Februar 2002

Deutsche Kommission Justitia et Pax German Justice and Peace Commission, Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 9, 53113 Bonn, Tel.: +49-228-103217

in cooperation with:

Watch Indonesia! Planufer 92d 10967 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 698 17 938


Aide Mémoire 58th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights 18th March to 26th April 2002


Recent Developments

Lack of progress can be observed concerning the prosecution of violations of human rights and of crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Indonesian ... read more

Posted on 07:33 AM in joint position papers, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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Indonesia: Cycle of Violence

Indonesia: Cycle of Violence

February 4th , 2002

Aide-Mémoire 58th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights 18th March to 26th April 2002

Diakonisches Werk der EKD, Human Rights Desk, P.O.B. 10 11 42, D-70010 Stuttgart, Germany, *49-711-2159-500


United Evangelical Mission, Rudolfstraße 137, D-42285 Wuppertal, Germany, *49-202-89004-168

in cooperation with:

Watch Indonesia! Planufer 92d, 10967 Berlin, Germany, *49 30 698 17 938


High expectations that the human rights situation in Indonesia would improve and the ... read more

Posted on 12:29 PM in joint position papers, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications
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Indonesia: Turning to the Worse

Indonesia: Turning to the Worse

February 2001

Diakonisches Werk der EKD, Stuttgart Referat Menschenrechte

United Evangelical Mission, Wuppertal


57th Commission on Human Rights, Geneva

Aide Memoire to the German delegation


Prepared by

Diakonisches Werk der EKD, Human Rights Desk, P.O.B. 10 11 42, D-70010 Stuttgart, Germany, *49-711-2159-500 and United Evangelical Mission, Rudolfstraße 137, D-42285 Wuppertal, Germany, *49-202-89004-168 (This memorandum does not cover questions of human rights violations in East Timor, which is now under the Transitional Authority of the ... read more

Posted on 11:43 PM in Aceh, joint position papers, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Publications
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