Archive | Joint Press Releases & Statements

Erase Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and related Intolerance in Indonesia

Erase Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and related Intolerance in Indonesia

Joint Statement of Indonesia NGOs Forum, 16 February 2001

The history of racism coincides with the economic exploitation through slavery. It all began when the rulers felt the need of cheap and loyal labour. This slavery developed towards conquest of one country by another, conquered people would then become slave labours for the conquerors. In the 16th century slave commerce began to flourish. Those slaves were imported from Africa to England or America. The slave-traders spread the notion that the slaves ... read more

Posted on 06:52 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion
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New NGO Report Criticizes Export Credit Agencies on Corruption in Indonesia

New NGO Report Criticizes Export Credit Agencies on Corruption in Indonesia

13. November 2000

see also in annex: The OECD, Export Credit Agencies and Corruption, NGO letter to OECD PUBLICLY GUARANTEED CORRUPTION, article by Peter Bosshard

Berne Declaration press release for the media in South-East Asia

A new report published by the Berne Declaration documents that export credit agencies are heavily involved in corrupt power projects in Indonesia. Instead of supporting efforts to investigate the corrupt legacy, the agencies pressurize Indonesia’s government to honour the ... read more

Posted on 02:10 AM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications
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Fact-Finding Delegation to Aceh Urges End to Abuses, Security

Fact-Finding Delegation to Aceh Urges End to Abuses, Security

East Timor Action Network, Press Release, 02 October 2000

Contact: Michael Beer, Nonviolence International, 202-244-0951 Lynn Fredriksson, Indonesia Human Rights Network, 202-546-0044

Fact-Finding Delegation to Aceh Urges Indonesia to Guarantee Safety of Humanitarian and Rights Workers East Timor Action Network and Indonesia Human Rights Network Call for an End to Abuses by Armed Forces and Police

An international human rights delegation, recently returned from Indonesia’s troubled province Aceh, found an atmosphere of fear and continued conflict despite a cease ... read more

Posted on 07:54 AM in Aceh, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts
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International Human Rights NGO Delegation visited Aceh

International Human Rights NGO Delegation visited Aceh

Jakarta, 28 September 2000

Press Release International Human Rights NGO Delegation

“With the recent killings of respected Acehnese figures such as Jaffar Siddiq and Prof. Safwan Idris non-partisan elements of society including human rights and humanitarian workers are increasingly afraid and unable to continue their work,” reports Dr. Karim Grow, Director of the Islamic Peace Forum in Kuala Lumpur. Crow took part in an ad hoc International Human Rights NGO Delegation that visited Aceh last week.

An ongoing polarization process due to the ... read more

Posted on 11:35 PM in Aceh, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts
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East Timor Federation Urges Delay of Indonesia Aid Meet

East Timor Federation Urges Delay of Indonesia Aid Meet

For Immediate Release, IFET, September 22, 2000

Says CGI Should Await Efforts on East Timorese Refugees

The International Federation for East Timor (IFET) today urged the World Bank to postpone the upcoming meeting of the Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI). In a letter to James D. Wolfensohn, President of the bank, IFET said the meeting should be postponed until Indonesia has “restored peace and order to West Timor, and established the conditions necessary for the East Timorese refugees who have ... read more

Posted on 11:33 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications
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Situation in West Timor:<br>Call for Arms Embargo on Indonesia to be Re-Imposed

Situation in West Timor:
Call for Arms Embargo on Indonesia to be Re-Imposed

18 September 2000

Joint NGO Statement to European Union Council of Ministers

This statement was delivered to the French Foreign Mininster, representing the French Presidency of the EU, on 18 September 2000: The grave developments in West Timor, triggered by the murder on 6 September of at least five people, including three UNHCR workers, has created an extreme emergency in the territory. We welcome the European Union Declaration on 7 September condemning these murders and deploring the current state of ... read more

Posted on 07:15 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications
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East Timor Federation Urges International Tribunal on Timor Vote Anniversary Calls Case for Tribunal “Irrefutable”

East Timor Federation Urges International Tribunal on Timor Vote Anniversary Calls Case for Tribunal “Irrefutable”

30 August 2000

Contact: John M. Miller, ETAN, +1-718-596-7668; +1-917-690-4391 (US) Paul Barber, TAPOL, +44-1420-80153 (UK)

Calling “the case for an international tribunal for East Timor … now irrefutable,” the International Federation for East Timor (IFET) today urged UN Secretary General Kofi Annan immediately take steps to establish one. In a letter delivered to the Secretary-General on the anniversary of East Timor’s vote for independence, IFET wrote that the recent passage of a constitutional amendment introducing a non-retroactivity principle “confirms our prior ... read more

Posted on 06:54 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) Runder Tisch zu West Papua

(Deutsch) Runder Tisch zu West Papua

Sorry, this entry is not available in English.
German version

Posted on 01:59 PM in Activities, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Round Table Talks on West Papua, June 2000, Events
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Round Table Talks on West Papua

Round Table Talks on West Papua

June 27th, 2000

Press Release by the West Papua Network for the round table talks on West Papua

Berlin, June 29th and 30th 2000

(Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Hackesche Höfe, Rosenthaler Str. 40-41)

The West Papua Network calls on the German government to appeal to the Indonesian government to take all measures necessary in order to prevent any further escalation of violence in West Papua (Irian Jaya), to substantially reduce the military forces in the region ... read more

Posted on 08:41 AM in Activities, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Round Table Talks on West Papua, June 2000, Events
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Immediate repatriation of the East Timorese is called for by the 10th Christian Consultation on East Timor

Immediate repatriation of the East Timorese is called for by the 10th Christian Consultation on East Timor

11th October 1999

PRESS RELEASE FROM CIIR (Catholic Institute for International Relations, London)

From 8-10 October 1999 representatives of churches and church organisations* met in Aachen, Germany for the 10th Christian Consultation on East Timor to discuss the current situation. It was clear that the most important issue on the agenda was the immediate repatriation of East Timorese from West Timor and other islands in the Indonesian archipelago. Again and again the meeting heard stories about the ... read more

Posted on 08:57 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Development, East Timor, Publications
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