Archive | Joint Press Releases & Statements

Solidarity Statement on the Arrest of Young Timorese Students

Solidarity Statement on the Arrest of Young Timorese Students

01 September 2009

[Note: those arrested were held close to the maximum 72 hours allowed by law before being brought to court, where they were released without charge. – JMM/ETAN] To Ex. Dr. Longuinos Monteiro, General Commander of the Timor-Leste National Police

We, representatives of different international solidarity organizations, call for the immediate release of the three university students who were arrested at the press conference in front of the Hotel Timor on 30 August 2009. We call for all charges be ... read more

Posted on 04:18 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Papua, Publications
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(Deutsch) Kein Geld für Palmöl! Keine Schweizer Franken für Regenwaldvernichtung!

(Deutsch) Kein Geld für Palmöl! Keine Schweizer Franken für Regenwaldvernichtung!

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German version

Posted on 03:36 AM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Countdown for Survival: Global groups make an urgent call to end deforestation and conserve the world’s forests during UN Climate Talks

Countdown for Survival: Global groups make an urgent call to end deforestation and conserve the world’s forests during UN Climate Talks

08 June 2009

Bonn, Germany – A coalition of youth, environmental groups, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples organizations and women’s groups delivered a plea to negotiators asking them to ensure a strong climate deal and warning them that they will put our survival at risk if they do not act immediately to halt deforestation and the industrial logging of the world’s primary forests (forest degradation).[Signatories and statement below in NOTE 1] “Survival is not negotiable. The climate deal signed ... read more

Posted on 04:59 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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‘Biochar’, a new big threat to people, land, and ecosystems

08 April 2009

Keep ‘biochar’ and soils out of carbon trading Caution urged against proposals for large scale use of charcoal in soils for climate change mitigation and soil reclamation

Adding charcoal (‘biochar’) to the soil has been proposed as a ‘climate change mitigation’ strategy and as a means of regenerating degraded land. Some even claim that this could sequester so much carbon that the Earth could return to pre-industrial carbon dioxide levels, i.e. that all the global warming caused ... read more

Posted on 03:56 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Army’s involvement in the family planning program is reduplication disaster in the past

Army’s involvement in the family planning program is reduplication disaster in the past

Jakarta, 16 March 2009

Statement o­n International Women’s Day

Indonesian National Army (it was ABRI, now TNI) will involve again the implementation of Family Planning Program held by National Family Planning Program Board (BKKBN). The return of TNI based o­n Memorandum of Understanding sign by General TNI Djoko Santoso, chief of BKKBN, dr. Sugiri Syarief, MPA, in the present of Coordinator minister of social welfare Aburizal Bakrie,in Auditorium BKKBN Jakarta, Februari 12 2009. According to General, TNI will ... read more

Posted on 02:31 PM in democracy, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Development, Indonesia, Publications, security sector, Society & Religion
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(Deutsch) EU ausgetrickst:<BR>Indonesien hebt Rodungsstopp von Torfmoorgebieten für Ölpalmplantagen auf

(Deutsch) EU ausgetrickst:
Indonesien hebt Rodungsstopp von Torfmoorgebieten für Ölpalmplantagen auf

Sorry, this entry is not available in English.
German version

Posted on 11:05 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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International concern about palm oil expansion in Indonesia

International concern about palm oil expansion in Indonesia

Berlin, 16 February 2009

Press Release by Watch Indonesia! and Rettet den Regenwald e.V.


10.000 EU-citizens demand the release of environmental defender M. Rusdi in Jambi, Sumatra


More than 10.000 EU-citizens demand the release of M. Rusdi, head of Karang Mendapo village, who was detained on 28 January 2009. They signed a petition brought forward by Rettet den Regenwald and Watch Indonesia!. Representatives of these environmental and human rights groups handed over the petition to the Indonesian embassy in ... read more

Posted on 04:25 AM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Resistance against Palm Oil – Unlawful Arrest of farmers’ resistance leader in Jambi, Indonesia

Resistance against Palm Oil – Unlawful Arrest of farmers’ resistance leader in Jambi, Indonesia

Berlin, 05 February 2009

Watch Indonesia! – urgent appeal

Dear Friends, dear colleagues,

Watch Indonesia! and Rettet den Regenwald write to inform you about the unlawful arrest of farmers‘ resistance leader Muhammad Rusdi of Karang Mendapo village, Jambi province, Indonesia. This case is related to one of the countless land conflicts that occur in Indonesia due to the massive expansion of palm oil plantations. Rusdi’s arrest is seen as an attempt to silence the inspiring protest of Karang Mendapo-farmers that is becoming ... read more

Posted on 04:47 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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European Union and French Presidency seek to push forward with destructive and unsustainable biofuel target

European Union and French Presidency seek to push forward with destructive and unsustainable biofuel target

02 December 2008

Press release from Biofuel Watch, Corporate Europe Observatory, Econexus, Grupo de Reflexión Rural, Rettet den Regenwald and Watch Indonesia!

Campaigners today (Tuesday) accused the French Presidency and the European Union of pushing ahead with dangerous and unsustainable agrofuel targets, with a view to reaching a deal on the Renewable Energy Directive on Wednesday. The target as proposed (1) would greatly increase the use of agrofuels (biofuels from crops and trees) in Europe, with no credible protection ... read more

Posted on 03:21 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Publications, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) „Palmölplantagen zerstören unser Leben”<br>NGOs kritisieren Förderung von Palmöl im EEG

(Deutsch) „Palmölplantagen zerstören unser Leben”
NGOs kritisieren Förderung von Palmöl im EEG

Sorry, this entry is not available in English.
German version
Indonesian version

Posted on 10:33 AM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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Rainforest Instead of Palm Oil


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