Archive | Joint Press Releases & Statements

German Bank Pulls Out of Controversial Indonesian Gold Mine Scheme

German Bank Pulls Out of Controversial Indonesian Gold Mine Scheme

18th January 2008

Urgewald + Watch Indonesia!, press note

The Indonesian province of North Sulawesi is a biodiversity hotspot and harbors some of the world’s most spectacular nature areas. Northern Sulawesi is also home to a series of gold deposits, the largest of which is known by the name of Toka Tindung. Plans to establish gold mining operations here have met with widespread resistance both from local inhabitants and the Provincial government, who fear that the mines would disrupt ... read more

Posted on 08:47 AM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Mining, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Bali Declaration: Protecting the world’s forests needs more than just money

Bali Declaration: Protecting the world’s forests needs more than just money

10th December 2007

Governments meeting in Bali, Indonesia for the 13th Conference of the Parties/3rd Meeting of the Parties to the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 3-14 December 2007, need to recognise that this may be our last opportunity to stop runaway climate change and that with 18-20% of annual carbon emissions being caused by deforestation, protecting our forests is a key part of this. This problem is made even more important because forests are a key part ... read more

Posted on 03:36 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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Biofuels, Climate Change and Climate Justice

Biofuels, Climate Change and Climate Justice

5th December 2007

Joint press release by World Rainforest Movement, Watch Indonesia!, Walhi Jambi, Grupo de Reflexion Rural, Biofuelwatch and African Biodiversity Network

Six organisations from North and South will be presenting evidence about the catastrophic impact of large-scale biofuel production on the climate and ecosystems, communities and food sovereignty at a UNFCCC side event on 6th December.

Speakers from Indonesia, Argentina, Uruguay, Uganda, Germany and the UK will speak about „Biofuels, Climate Change and Climate Justice”. They will discuss the ... read more

Posted on 05:42 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Call On The EU To Abandon 10% Biofuel Target

Call On The EU To Abandon 10% Biofuel Target

21 September 2007


The undersigned organisations call on the European Parliament to drop support for the proposed 10% target for biofuel use in the transport sector (point 43, Thomsen report) and to support amendments to this effect. Growing and compelling evidence suggests that this target will further contribute to highly destructive impacts on the climate, biodiversity, communities and food security. The 10% target ... read more

Posted on 03:55 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Response of environmentalists to Malaysian and Indonesian Palm Oil PR initiative

Response of environmentalists to Malaysian and Indonesian Palm Oil PR initiative

8th June 12007

Press release

Prepared by Watch Indonesia! and

The Malaysian and Indonesian governments, and Malaysian Palm Oil Council, are undertaking a PR tour promoting Palm Oil production. This week a series of talks and seminars with EU legislators are being given in London, Brussels and Holland. European policy makers must be aware that there are many unanswered concerns remain for European NGOs about the sustainability and human rights of Palm Oil production. These are critical ... read more

Posted on 09:27 AM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate
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South-East Asia’s Peat Fires and Global Warming

South-East Asia’s Peat Fires and Global Warming

November 10th, 2006

-for immediate release-

Joint Press Release by Ecological Internet, Biofuelwatch, Watch Indonesia! and Save the Rainforest (Germany)

At Nairobi, governments are debating the future of the Kyoto Protocol and action to prevent the most serious impacts of climate change. So far, they appear to have ignored to address one of the greatest single sources of carbon emissions: the destruction of South-east Asia’s peatlands and forests. The annual emissions from annual peat and forest fires ... read more

Posted on 12:46 PM in Disasters, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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No to deforestation diesel!

No to deforestation diesel!

18 April 2006

Joint Statement of NGO-alliance
We are a broad alliance of human rights and environmental groups who reject the use of fuel gained from palm oil to the detriment of forest ecosystems.

The global boom in palm oil turns out to be a curse for the rainforests and the local communities living there: As a consequence, forests are destroyed, soil, water and air are poisoned by agro-industrial toxins, conflicts over land erupt and the people concerned lose their ... read more

Posted on 04:09 PM in Agro Fuels, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Retten Sie die letzten Naturwälder!

(Deutsch) Retten Sie die letzten Naturwälder!

Sorry, this entry is not available in English.
German version

Posted on 01:19 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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Church based aid agencies and human rights organisations demand publication of the final report of East Timor’s Truth Commission

Church based aid agencies and human rights organisations demand publication of the final report of East Timor’s Truth Commission

Aachen/Berlin, December 02, 2005

Press Release by MISEREOR, missio, German Commission for Justice and Peace and Watch Indonesia!

MISEREOR, missio, the German Commission for Justice and Peace as well as the human rights organisation „Watch Indonesia!” appeal to East Timor’s parliament to disseminate the Truth Commission’s report and its recommendations and to ensure that the people of East Timor, especially the victims and their families, are informed of its contents. „The German government, which supported the work ... read more

Posted on 08:11 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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NGOs urge European governments and industry not to accept Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme MTCC based on its disregard for indigenous peoples’ rights

01 December 2005

Basel / Oslo / Moreton-in-Marsh / Boulder:


We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations (NGOs), urge the European Union, European governments and the European timber industry not to accept the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCC) as a guarantee for sustainable or legal timber forest management because the MTCC does not respect indigenous peoples’ rights. We are particularly concerned about the recent certification of a Forest Management Unit in Sarawak, which openly disrespects the Penan people’s rights. The undersigning NGOs support the ... read more

Posted on 11:56 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Rainforest Instead of Palm Oil


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