Archive | Press Releases

(Deutsch) Kein Urwald in unsere Schulhefte!

(Deutsch) Kein Urwald in unsere Schulhefte!

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Posted on 08:35 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Press Releases, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Osttimor: Keine Straflosigkeit für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit

(Deutsch) Osttimor: Keine Straflosigkeit für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit

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German version

Posted on 02:49 PM in East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Urgent Appeal: Imminent escalation of violence in Papua needs to be addressed in a level-headed manner

Urgent Appeal: Imminent escalation of violence in Papua needs to be addressed in a level-headed manner

August 05, 2005

August 15th, 2005 may possibly – hopefully – be recorded as a day of peace in Indonesian history books. Two days ahead of the 60th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence, the government is going to sign a peace accord with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The bloody conflict in Indonesia’s westernmost province that has lasted for more than 30 years may thus soon be past.

Watch Indonesia! welcomes the accord and calls on all sides to contribute constructively to the ... read more

Posted on 08:10 AM in Aceh, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Side Event „Rethinking Justice in East Timor” at the 61st Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, April 1, 2005 in Genevace

Side Event „Rethinking Justice in East Timor” at the 61st Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, April 1, 2005 in Genevace

JOINT PRESS RELEASE By FORUM-ASIA, Watch Indonesia!, ELSAM, Perkumpulan HAK, East Timor National Alliance for an International Tribunal, April 01, 2005 Human Rights Organizations Urge the UN to Fulfill Its Commitment to the Justice Processes in East Timor and Indonesia

Today, East Timorese, Indonesian and international human rights organizations demanded that the stalled justice processes in Indonesia and East Timor be reformed and effective solutions found by the two states and the UN. The event organized by Watch Indonesia!, ... read more

Posted on 08:53 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) Nachruf: Wir trauern um Semsar Siahaan

(Deutsch) Nachruf: Wir trauern um Semsar Siahaan

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German version

Posted on 07:09 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Controlling Timber Imports into the EU

Controlling Timber Imports into the EU

14 December 2004

Joint NGO Statement

This statement outlines what we, the undersigned NGOs, believe must be done at EU level, as part of the EU process on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) to address the import of illegally sourced timber in the EU and the illegal practices of the EU timber industry. Although this statement focuses on illegal logging, we would like to state that legal and illegal logging are often closely linked and that legal ... read more

Posted on 08:46 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) RAPP verübt Verbrechen gegen die Bewohner des Dorfes Koto Baru

(Deutsch) RAPP verübt Verbrechen gegen die Bewohner des Dorfes Koto Baru

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Indonesian version
German version

Posted on 03:48 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Environment & Climate
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Watch Indonesia! calls for a transparent and thorough investigation of the murder of Munir

Watch Indonesia! calls for a transparent and thorough investigation of the murder of Munir

Press Release

15 November 2004

Our friend and colleague Munir, possibly the best known Indonesian human rights defender, was poisoned. He died under great pain and distress on an airplane on his way from Jakarta to Amsterdam. Two months after his death, we are once more deeply shocked, this time due to the certainty concerning the cause of his death.
Speculations that Munir died from unnatural causes had been circulating from the start. But despite our knowledge of previous attacks ... read more

Posted on 05:07 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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(Deutsch) Nachruf: Wir trauern um Munir

(Deutsch) Nachruf: Wir trauern um Munir

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German version
Versi bahasa Indonesia

Posted on 11:05 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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The Reflection of Proclamation on August 17, 1945

The Reflection of Proclamation on August 17, 1945

17 August 2004

Joint Press Release

“We, the victims of human rights violation, are taking a day off as Indonesian citizens, because our state hasn’t given the guarantee of the freedom and our rights as human”

Indonesia is still ailing from the crisis pain. Political elite are only worsening the situation. Corruption, insurmountable public and private debts and subsidy revocation, the development inequality between the capital and the rest of the country, a looming number of unemployment, forced eviction and ... read more

Posted on 09:31 AM in democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Joint Press Releases & Statements, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications
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