Archive | joint studies and reports

(Deutsch) Dossier: Menschenrechte 2024 – Aktuelle Lage in 16 Ländern. Politische Handlungsoptionen (Internationale Advocacy Netzwerke – IAN)

(Deutsch) Dossier: Menschenrechte 2024 – Aktuelle Lage in 16 Ländern. Politische Handlungsoptionen (Internationale Advocacy Netzwerke – IAN)

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Posted on 09:08 PM in Activities, joint studies and reports, Publications, Studies
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(Deutsch) Dossier: Menschenrechte 2022. Aktuelle Lage in 17 Ländern. Politische Handlungsempfehlungen (Internationale Advocacy Netzwerke)

(Deutsch) Dossier: Menschenrechte 2022. Aktuelle Lage in 17 Ländern. Politische Handlungsempfehlungen (Internationale Advocacy Netzwerke)

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Posted on 05:52 PM in Activities, joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Publications
Gewalt gegen Frauen: weltweit bekämpft und doch alltäglich

Gewalt gegen Frauen: weltweit bekämpft und doch alltäglich

Der 25. November ist der »Internationale Tag zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen«. Das Bündnis Internationale Advocacy Netzwerke (IAN), in dem Watch Indonesia! e.V. engagiert ist, zeigt in diesem Dossier die unterschiedlichen Ebenen von Gewalt gegen Frauen in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika auf.

Den Artikel über Indonesien findet Ihr auf S. 14.-15.

Download: Gewalt gegen Frauen 2019




Posted on 02:40 PM in joint studies and reports, Publications
(Deutsch) IAN – Menschenrechte 2018: Aktuelle Lage in 16 Ländern

(Deutsch) IAN – Menschenrechte 2018: Aktuelle Lage in 16 Ländern

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German version

Posted on 04:49 AM in democracy, joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion
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Human Rights in West Papua 2017

Human Rights in West Papua 2017

ICP, 26 September 2017

[The fifth report of the International Coalition for Papua (ICP) covering events from January 2015 until December 2016 ]

More than 40 organisations in West Papua, Jakarta and worldwide have brought their analysis on the human rights and conflict situation in West Papua together. The executive summary of the 218-pages report explains how several human rights standards have deteriorated over the last two years. The report is compiled by the International Coalition for Papua (ICP) and ... read more

Posted on 02:41 AM in joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Mining, Papua, Press Freedom, Publications, Rainforest, Studies, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Zivilgesellschaft in Bedrängnis: Raum für Zivilgesellschaft schützen und weiten

(Deutsch) Zivilgesellschaft in Bedrängnis: Raum für Zivilgesellschaft schützen und weiten

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German version

Posted on 04:36 PM in democracy, joint position papers, joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Press Freedom, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Transitional Justice
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ICP Releases New Human Rights Report 2015

ICP Releases New Human Rights Report 2015

International Coalition for Papua, September 2015
In its latest report, the ICP brings together the research of 25 organisations and experts from in- and outside West Papua on the situation of human rights, indigenous peoples’ rights and the conflict situation there. It details in particular the demographic development and its causes as well as the ongoing violence by security forces that targets indigenous Papuans.

The development of the human rights situation in West Papua during 2013 and ... read more

Posted on 08:07 AM in joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Papua, Publications, Watch's Studies and Reports
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(Deutsch) Landnutzungsplanung in Indonesien<br>Regelungen, Chancen und Hemmnisse

(Deutsch) Landnutzungsplanung in Indonesien
Regelungen, Chancen und Hemmnisse

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German version

Posted on 01:56 AM in joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Mining, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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New Report Reveals Extent of Papua Human Rights Violations

New Report Reveals Extent of Papua Human Rights Violations

We’d like to attract your attention to this new Human Rights Report on Papua. Watch Indonesia! contributed to this report.

Geneva, 03 November 2011

Faith Based Network on West Papua (FBN) – Franciscans International – Asian Human Rights Commission – TAPOL


NGOs meet in Geneva to address their concerns on the situation of Human Rights in Papua

Following last month’s violent dispersal by Indonesian security forces of the Third Papuan Peoples’ Congress in Jayapura, Indonesia has been confronted with the full scale ... read more

Posted on 03:26 AM in joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts
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(Deutsch) Verpasste Chancen, unerfüllte Versprechen

(Deutsch) Verpasste Chancen, unerfüllte Versprechen

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Indonesian and German version

Posted on 12:31 AM in joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Transitional Justice
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Rainforest Instead of Palm Oil


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