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(Deutsch) Scharia-Polizei ruft “Phase der Bestrafung” aus

(Deutsch) Scharia-Polizei ruft “Phase der Bestrafung” aus

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German version

Posted on 12:26 AM in Aceh, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Indonesiens Wirtschaft – anhaltender Boom oder neue Asienkrise?

(Deutsch) Indonesiens Wirtschaft – anhaltender Boom oder neue Asienkrise?

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German version

Posted on 10:39 PM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Mining, Publications
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(Deutsch) Im Strudel

(Deutsch) Im Strudel

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German version

Posted on 10:53 AM in Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, East Timor, Publications
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(Deutsch) Das ›unfinished Business‹ in Aceh: von der Flagge bis zur engen Hose

(Deutsch) Das ›unfinished Business‹ in Aceh: von der Flagge bis zur engen Hose

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German version

Posted on 01:20 AM in Aceh, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, Regional Conflicts
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(Deutsch) Angesagt – aus der Arbeit von Watch Indonesia!

(Deutsch) Angesagt – aus der Arbeit von Watch Indonesia!

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German version

Posted on 12:01 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Recent Activities, East Timor, Papua, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Rainforest, Security Sector, Society & Religion, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, SUARA magazine
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(Deutsch) Agrokraftstoffe: Vom Wundermittel zum Desaster

(Deutsch) Agrokraftstoffe: Vom Wundermittel zum Desaster

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German version

Posted on 02:46 AM in Agro Fuels, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Nachruf: Wir trauern um Pramoedya Ananta Toer

(Deutsch) Nachruf: Wir trauern um Pramoedya Ananta Toer

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German version

Posted on 11:44 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Press Freedom, Publications, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Church based aid agencies and human rights organisations demand publication of the final report of East Timor’s Truth Commission

Church based aid agencies and human rights organisations demand publication of the final report of East Timor’s Truth Commission

Aachen/Berlin, December 02, 2005

Press Release by MISEREOR, missio, German Commission for Justice and Peace and Watch Indonesia!

MISEREOR, missio, the German Commission for Justice and Peace as well as the human rights organisation „Watch Indonesia!” appeal to East Timor’s parliament to disseminate the Truth Commission’s report and its recommendations and to ensure that the people of East Timor, especially the victims and their families, are informed of its contents. „The German government, which supported the work ... read more

Posted on 08:11 AM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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Urgent Appeal: Imminent escalation of violence in Papua needs to be addressed in a level-headed manner

Urgent Appeal: Imminent escalation of violence in Papua needs to be addressed in a level-headed manner

August 05, 2005

August 15th, 2005 may possibly – hopefully – be recorded as a day of peace in Indonesian history books. Two days ahead of the 60th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence, the government is going to sign a peace accord with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The bloody conflict in Indonesia’s westernmost province that has lasted for more than 30 years may thus soon be past.

Watch Indonesia! welcomes the accord and calls on all sides to contribute constructively to the ... read more

Posted on 08:10 AM in Aceh, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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Christian and Islamic fundamentalists in Aceh

12 January 2005

by Alex Flor

The Indonesian military is tightening its control over relief organizations. From now on, aid workers are only allowed to move freely in the two towns hardest hit by the tsunami disaster, Banda Aceh and Meulaboh. All activities outside these two cities require special permission and military escort. The official reason for this given by the Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – TNI) is the imminent danger of attacks by the independence movement GAM ... read more

Posted on 09:24 PM in Aceh, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications
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