Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series)

Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series) Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series)

(Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet)

(Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet) (Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet)

(Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen!

(Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen! (Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen!

New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022

New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022 New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021 Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021

(Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien

(Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien (Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020 Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020

Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights!

Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights! Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights!
(Bahasa Indonesia) “Saya Hanya Bercerita, Tanpa Bumbu Peri Kemanusiaan”

(Bahasa Indonesia) “Saya Hanya Bercerita, Tanpa Bumbu Peri Kemanusiaan”

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Indonesian version

Posted in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Indonesia: Failure to deliver full justice for the killing of human rights defender Munir

Indonesia: Failure to deliver full justice for the killing of human rights defender Munir

07. September 2013



Index: ASA 21/023/2013


Joint statement by civil society organizations


Nine years after the killing of human rights defender Munir Said Thalib, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono must take decisive and concrete action to ensure those responsible – including those at the highest levels – are brought to justice, and that all defenders of human rights are better protected. President Yudhoyono, who has himself described Munir’s case as a “test of our history” has just one ... read more

Posted in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia

Activists demand justice for Munir on 9th anniversary

Activists demand justice for Munir on 9th anniversary

Jakarta Globe, September 7, 2013

Dessy Sagita

It has been nine years since Munir Said Thalib was silenced by arsenic poisoning as he sat on a Garuda Indonesia flight, but justice for the murdered political activist continues to elude his family.

„In the presidential decree signed by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, it was mentioned that the result of the investigation carried out by the fact-finding team would be reported to the president, and that the president would reveal the result to ... read more

Posted in Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Deutsch) Fauzi Bowo (Foke) darf nicht zum Botschafter der Republik Indonesien in Deutschland ernannt werden!

(Deutsch) Fauzi Bowo (Foke) darf nicht zum Botschafter der Republik Indonesien in Deutschland ernannt werden!

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German version
Indonesian version

Posted in Activities, democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Joint Open Letters, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion

(Deutsch) Außer Kontrolle? Palmölanbau in Indonesien

(Deutsch) Außer Kontrolle? Palmölanbau in Indonesien

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German version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Activities, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Deutsch) Streit über Ökosiegel für Palmöl

(Deutsch) Streit über Ökosiegel für Palmöl

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German version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Addressing the impacts of the EU’s agrofuels policies on Indonesia

Addressing the impacts of the EU’s agrofuels policies on Indonesia

September 4th, 2013

Rocketing carbon emissions; forests burned or bulldozed and wildlife habitats destroyed; the livelihoods of forest-dependent peoples devastated, their ancestral lands taken without consent. In Indonesia, the devastating costs of the EU’s agrofuel revolution are clear and it is time Europe took responsibility.

In September 2013, international campaigners Nur Hidayati of Walhi (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) and Bondan Andriyanu of Sawit Watch (“Oil Palm Watch”) join EU NGOs to present this message to EU decision-makers. They show what life ... read more

Posted in Agro Fuels, Economy, Labor & Corruption, joint position papers, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate

(Bahasa Indonesia) Bila election itu massa culasin caleg

(Bahasa Indonesia) Bila election itu massa culasin caleg

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Indonesian version

Posted in democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Addressing the impacts of the EU’s agrofuels policies on Indonesia

Addressing the impacts of the EU’s agrofuels policies on Indonesia

04 September 2013

Rocketing carbon emissions; forests burned or bulldozed and wildlife habitats destroyed; the livelihoods of forest-dependent peoples devastated, their ancestral lands taken without consent. In Indonesia, the devastating costs of the EU’s agrofuel revolution are clear and it is time Europe took responsibility.

In September 2013, international campaigners Nur Hidayati of Walhi (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) and Bondan Andriyanu of Sawit Watch („Oil Palm Watch“) join EU NGOs to present this message to EU decision-makers. They show what life ... read more

Posted in Agro Fuels, joint position papers, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate

(Deutsch) Forum Nachhaltiges Palmöl gegründet

(Deutsch) Forum Nachhaltiges Palmöl gegründet

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German version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Human Rights, Indonesia, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media


Rainforest Instead of Palm Oil


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