Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series)

Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series) Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series)

(Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet)

(Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet) (Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet)

(Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen!

(Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen! (Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen!

New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022

New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022 New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021 Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021

(Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien

(Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien (Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020 Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020

Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights!

Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights! Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights!
World market, climate change and the hypocrisy of the North

World market, climate change and the hypocrisy of the North

11th April 2008


Interview with Pantoro Tri Kuswardono (WALHI)


Pantoro Tri Kuswardono (Torry) has been working for a year as a climate campaigner with the Indonesian environmental organisation WALHI (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia – Friends of the Earth Indonesia). Previously he worked for WALHI’s mining campaign. After completing his engineering degree at the Institute for Technology in Bandung, he spent seven years in one of the poorest parts of Indonesia, in West Timor. There he gained many experiences ... read more

Posted in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Mining, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, SUARA magazine

(Bahasa Indonesia) Menyingkap Misteri, Membangun Empati

(Bahasa Indonesia) Menyingkap Misteri, Membangun Empati

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Indonesian version

Posted in History & Overview, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Is West Papua being eco-colonised?

Is West Papua being eco-colonised?

Spiked, 02 April 2008


A student writer believes greens are trying to preserve West Papua as an archaic backgarden for Westerners disillusioned by modernity.

Lee Jones

Independence movements, once determined to win self-determination by force of arms, have increasingly come to rely on appeals for Western intervention to win freedom on their behalf. Rather than demanding our respect as self-determining peoples, independence movements have learned to depict themselves as victims, to appeal to Western prejudices and paternalism ... read more

Posted in Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Timor Leste – A Kaleidoscope of Conflicts

Timor Leste – A Kaleidoscope of Conflicts

01 April 2008

Notes from a visit to Timor Leste and West Timor, October-December 2007

By Henri Myrttinen


The following paper is based on some of my impressions and observations from my visit to Timor Leste from 25.10.-24.11.2007. While I spent the majority of my time in Dili, I did also make several trips to the districts of Baucau (Afasa, Baucau, Vemasse), Cova Lima (Suai, Zumalai), Manufahi (Same) and Viqueque (incl. Uatolari). In addition, I interviewed several groups of ... read more

Posted in Information and Analysis, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, State- & Nation-Building

(Deutsch) Fischen zur Versöhnung

(Deutsch) Fischen zur Versöhnung

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German version

Posted in Aceh, democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Bahasa Indonesia) Sebaiknya KPU Atur Dapil DPR Yakin Bisa Tata Daerah Pemilihan

(Bahasa Indonesia) Sebaiknya KPU Atur Dapil DPR Yakin Bisa Tata Daerah Pemilihan

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Indonesian version

Posted in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Bahasa Indonesia) Tanah Papua: Paru-paru dunia yang harus dijaga

(Bahasa Indonesia) Tanah Papua: Paru-paru dunia yang harus dijaga

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Indonesian version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Indonesia: The Government must act upon its international commitments to human rights

Indonesia: The Government must act upon its international commitments to human rights

February 22nd, 2008

Aide-Mémoire 7th UN Human Rights Council 3rd to 28th March 2008

Since the beginning of its democratic transition in 1998, Indonesia has ratified several international human rights instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESC) and the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT). While these steps are welcomed, Indonesia has yet to act upon the obligations ... read more

Posted in joint position papers, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications

(Bahasa Indonesia) UU Pemilu Makin Ditunggu

(Bahasa Indonesia) UU Pemilu Makin Ditunggu

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Indonesian version

Posted in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Deutsch) „Palmöl zerstört unser Leben“

(Deutsch) „Palmöl zerstört unser Leben“

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German version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media


Rainforest Instead of Palm Oil


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