Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series)

Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series) Elections 2024 in Indonesia: Analysis and Opinions (Article Series)

(Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet)

(Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet) (Deutsch) Indonesien als Lieferant für Nickel – Fakten und Hintergründe zu Menschenrechts- und Umweltauswirkungen (Factsheet)

(Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen!

(Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen! (Deutsch) Solidarität für Fatia Maulidiyanti und Haris Azhar: Kriminalisierung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen stoppen und Menschenrechte schützen!

New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022

New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022 New Publication on Urban Transformation in Jakarta und Berlin 2022

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021 Neue Publikation: Themenheft Demokratie in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2021

(Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien

(Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien (Deutsch) Hannover Messe: Kein Wirtschaftswachstum um jeden Preis in Indonesien

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020

Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020 Neue Publikation: Themenheft Menschenrechte in Indonesien und Timor-Leste 2020

Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights!

Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights! Online Discussion: Indonesia 55 years after Suharto’s seizure of power. End impunity, secure human rights!
(Deutsch) Run auf Bio-Diesel tötet Orang-Utans

(Deutsch) Run auf Bio-Diesel tötet Orang-Utans

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German version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Bahasa Indonesia) Sebaiknya Kajati Baca, Lagi UU Kejaksaan

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Indonesian version

Posted in democracy, Justice, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Bahasa Indonesia) Menjelang Pemilu Presiden di Timor Leste

(Bahasa Indonesia) Menjelang Pemilu Presiden di Timor Leste

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Indonesian version

Posted in Elections & Political Parties, East Timor, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Bahasa Indonesia) Pemilihan Umum Kegagalan Ambang Batas Batasi Peserta Pemilu

(Bahasa Indonesia) Pemilihan Umum Kegagalan Ambang Batas Batasi Peserta Pemilu

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Indonesian version

Posted in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

(Bahasa Indonesia) Siapa Setuju Tambah Lagi Kursi di DPR?

(Bahasa Indonesia) Siapa Setuju Tambah Lagi Kursi di DPR?

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Indonesian version

Posted in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Dili Update – Notes from my visit to Dili February/March 2007

Dili Update – Notes from my visit to Dili February/March 2007

06 March 2007

By Henri Myrttinen

Overall Situation

The situation in Dili continues to be defined by the on-going violence, which tends to fluctuate in terms of its intensity and the stated reasons for it seem to change with time. What a year ago was a conflict within the security forces became a sectarian loro monu/loro sa’e conflict, this then morphed into fights between various gangs, most notably PSHT vs. 7-7. During the course of the approximately 3 weeks which I ... read more

Posted in Information and Analysis, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Society & Religion

(Deutsch) Fremdwort Nachhaltigkeit

(Deutsch) Fremdwort Nachhaltigkeit

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German version

Posted in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

Letter to Ministers to abandon EU biofuel targets

Letter to Ministers to abandon EU biofuel targets

Februrary 2007

Dear Minister,


In the build up to the EU Council meeting of Energy Ministers on February 14th, we are writing to you to highlight the concern of many organisations worldwide about proposed EU targets for biofuels. We are calling on you and your government to reject the proposal for EU-wide targets for biofuel use. At the time of writing over 160 organisations from Europe and the ... read more

Posted in Agro Fuels, Joint Open Letters, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate

Ethical fuels?

Ethical fuels?

EuropeanVoice.com, Vol. 13 No. 4: 1 February 2007

Germany provides an excellent example of the growing debate in Europe over the use of biofuels.

Influential non-governmental organisations, political voices and ordinary citizens have called for decades for the replacement of fossil fuels, so many localities jumped at the idea of biofuels as a way to increase their use of renewable energy. Local governments planned to use biofuels in local heating systems and indoor swimming pools around Germany while projects ... read more

Posted in Agro Fuels, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media

We call on the EU to abandon targets for biofuel use in Europe

We call on the EU to abandon targets for biofuel use in Europe

31 January 2007

Open Letter

To: The Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Parliament, and citizens in Europe

We are extremely concerned by the plans as presented by the European Commission to adopt a mandatory target for biofuel use in transport. Implementing these measures means that the EU will risk breaching its international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect biodiversity and human rights; because, as set out below – the proposed targets will amongst other things ... read more

Posted in Agro Fuels, Joint Open Letters, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate


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