(Deutsch) “Die Mühen der Ebene”
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German version
(Deutsch) “Die Mühen der Ebene”
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German version
(Deutsch) In Memoriam Pater Ruedi Hofmann
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German versionPosted on 09:20 AM in History & Overview, East Timor, Publications, Society & Religion, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
Is West Papua being eco-colonised?
Spiked, 02 April 2008
A student writer believes greens are trying to preserve West Papua as an archaic backgarden for Westerners disillusioned by modernity.
Lee Jones
Independence movements, once determined to win self-determination by force of arms, have increasingly come to rely on appeals for Western intervention to win freedom on their behalf. Rather than demanding our respect as self-determining peoples, independence movements have learned to depict themselves as victims, to appeal to Western prejudices and paternalism ... read more
Posted on 04:45 PM in Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
Timor Leste – A Kaleidoscope of Conflicts
01 April 2008
Notes from a visit to Timor Leste and West Timor, October-December 2007
By Henri Myrttinen
The following paper is based on some of my impressions and observations from my visit to Timor Leste from 25.10.-24.11.2007. While I spent the majority of my time in Dili, I did also make several trips to the districts of Baucau (Afasa, Baucau, Vemasse), Cova Lima (Suai, Zumalai), Manufahi (Same) and Viqueque (incl. Uatolari). In addition, I interviewed several groups of ... read more
Posted on 03:54 PM in Information and Analysis, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, Security Sector, State- & Nation-Building
The legislative deliberations on the Law on the Governance of Aceh
21 September 2007
by Sebastian Braun *
15 August 2005 was a historic moment for the people of Aceh. On this day, the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), effectively terminating the armed conflict that had raged more than three decades in the province and cost over ten thousand lives. However, this accord did not spell the end of the ‘peace-keeping’ process but rather marked its beginning. Point ... read more
Posted on 12:37 PM in Aceh, democracy, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications
What Future for Papua?
April 2007
Alex Flor, Marianne Klute, Petra Stockmann
The Helsinki agreement of 2005 marks the historic peace process for Indonesia’s westernmost province Aceh. After three decades of violence and repression, the long self determination conflict is in the process of being resolved. Both the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government have made substantial concessions for this to happen. However, for the second most burning and long lasting self-determination conflict, concerning Indonesia’s easternmost region Papua, formerly ... read more
Posted on 01:52 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Mining, Papua, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media, Watch's Studies and Reports
Indonesia: Impunity must be brought to an end – all conflicts must be resolved by peaceful means
January 15th, 2006
Aide-Mémoire 62nd Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights 13 March to April 2006
Decades of war and the devastating tsunami that struck the province in December 2005 have caused immense suffering for the Acehnese. But the window of opportunity that opened through this catastrophe has eventually led to a significant improvement of the human rights situation in this region. After initial difficulties, domestic and foreign organisations were by and large granted unrestricted access to the ... read more
Posted on 06:27 AM in joint position papers, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications
(Deutsch) Der Schlüssel liegt in Jakarta
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German versionPosted on 04:22 PM in Aceh, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
(Deutsch) Rote Flügel, Leid und falsche Hilfe
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German versionPosted on 06:01 PM in Aceh, Disasters, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
(Deutsch) Tsunami forcierte Friedensgespräche
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German versionPosted on 08:49 AM in Aceh, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media