Tag Archive | democracy

Social and economic changes in Papua since the Law on Special Autonomy came into effect

Social and economic changes in Papua since the Law on Special Autonomy came into effect

Conference “Autonomy for Papua – Opportunity or Illusion?”, 04-05.06.2003

by Agus Sumule


One of the reasons for the introduction of the Law on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua was the fact that there has been a wide gap between Papua and other provinces in Indonesia in terms of socio-economic development. Being one of the richest provinces in Indonesia in terms of natural resources, the Province of Papua has been exploited since its integration into the Republic of Indonesia ... read more

Posted on 11:24 PM in Activities, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Indonesia, Papua
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Popular Participation since the Special Autonomy Law for the Province of Papua came into effect

Popular Participation since the Special Autonomy Law for the Province of Papua came into effect

Conference “Autonomy for Papua – Opportunity or Illusion?”, 04-05.06.2003

by Simon Patrice Morin

Since the Law on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua, Law No. 21/2001 came into effect on January 1, 2002, its acceptance by both the Papuan people and Indonesian Government officials as a solution to the long-standing conflict between Jakarta and Papua has been far from convincing. It is never an easy task to gain support for a new idea. To obtain popular support and hence ... read more

Posted on 10:46 PM in Activities, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Indonesia, Papua, Events
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Welcome Speech by H. E. Mr. Rahardjo Jamtomo, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, on the Conference on Special Autonomy in the Province of Papua, Berlin 4-5 June, 2003

Welcome Speech by H. E. Mr. Rahardjo Jamtomo, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, on the Conference on Special Autonomy in the Province of Papua, Berlin 4-5 June, 2003

Conference “Autonomy for Papua – Opportunity or Illusion?”, 04-05 June 2003

Distinguished Guests,
Dear Friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

it is indeed an honor for me to be invited and to address this distinguished gathering at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. However, allow me to convey this welcome speech and some opening remarks for the conference in my absence. At the outset I would like to apologize for not being able to participate in the conference on Special Autonomy for Papua, as had been ... read more

Posted on 09:38 PM in Activities, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, democracy, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Events
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Human Rights in Papua: An overview

Human Rights in Papua: An overview

Conference “Autonomy for Papua – Opportunity or Illusion?”, 04-05.06.2003

by Neles Tebay



I have been asked to present an overview on human rights in Papua. The presentation will be limited to the human rights situation before the approval of the Special Autonomy Law by the national Parliament, the DPR, in October 2001. I would like to begin with a quotation regarding human rights taken from the Elucidation of the Draft Law on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua proposed ... read more

Posted on 01:11 AM in Activities, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, History & Overview, Indonesia, Papua, Regional Conflicts
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Jakarta’s armed forces angling for more power

Jakarta’s armed forces angling for more power

– Comment by Alex Flor in German only
Jakarta’s armed forces angling for more power
More analysts give thumbs-down to military bill
TNI Chief stands by military bill

Straits Times, February 25, 2003

Jakarta’s armed forces angling for more power

Devi Asmarani, Jakarta — A controversial Bill, being drafted, isset to revive the supremacy of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and even allow its commander to declare ... read more

Posted on 05:23 PM in democracy, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, security sector
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Kontroversi Sistem Proporsional Daftar Tertutup

(Bahasa Indonesia) Kontroversi Sistem Proporsional Daftar Tertutup

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Indonesian version

Posted on 03:18 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Book launch: Wahlsysteme im Vergleich

(Deutsch) Book launch: Wahlsysteme im Vergleich

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German version

Posted on 01:47 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) UU Parpol Diperkirakan Undang Reaksi 200 Parpol

(Bahasa Indonesia) UU Parpol Diperkirakan Undang Reaksi 200 Parpol

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:29 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Sistem Pemilu Proporsional Daftar Terbuka Lebih Moderat

(Bahasa Indonesia) Sistem Pemilu Proporsional Daftar Terbuka Lebih Moderat

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:19 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Diharapkan, Pemilu Proporsional Terbuka

(Bahasa Indonesia) Diharapkan, Pemilu Proporsional Terbuka

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Indonesian version

Posted on 05:08 PM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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