Tag Archive | impunity

Watch Indonesia! has appealed to the German Chancellor to vehemently speak out against military intervention in Aceh

Watch Indonesia! has appealed to the German Chancellor to vehemently speak out against military intervention in Aceh

12th May 2003

On the occasion of the German Chancellor’s official visit in Jakarta the Berlin-based human rights organisation Watch Indonesia! has written to Chancellor Schroeder. In all urgency we appeal to the Chancellor to prevent the Indonesian authorities from executing the planned military intervention in Aceh and to call for a return to the negotiating table of all parties concerned. After troops had already been deployed in and around Aceh for weeks, preparations for military intervention have been geared up ... read more

Posted on 02:55 AM in Aceh, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch's Press Releases & Statements
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International Federation for East Timor Urges Nations’ President to Fully Support Accountability for Past Abuses

International Federation for East Timor Urges Nations’ President to Fully Support Accountability for Past Abuses

Media Release, 01 April, 2003

For Immediate Release Contact: John M. Miller, +1-718-596-7668 (USA) Paul Barber, +44-1420-80153 (Britain) Charles Scheiner, +670-723-4335 (East Timor)

April 1, 2003 – The International Federation for East Timor (IFET) today urged the new nation’s President to fully support meaningful justice for crimes against humanity and other crimes committed in the territory. In a letter to President Xanana Gusmao, IFET expressed dismay at his reaction to February’s indictment by the joint UN-East Timor Serious Crimes Unit of high-ranking ... read more

Posted on 05:51 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice
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IFET letter to President Xanana Gusmão

IFET letter to President Xanana Gusmão

International Federation for East Timor, March 31, 2003

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Palace of the Ashes
Dili, Timor-Leste

Your Excellency,

Having regard to our continuing solidarity with the people of Timor-Leste in their tasks of reconstruction and nation-building, we are writing to express our concern about your response to the decision by the Serious Crimes Unit (SCU) to indict on 24 February 2003 several high-ranking Indonesian military officers for crimes against humanity ... read more

Posted on 04:56 PM in Joint Open Letters, East Timor, Publications, State- & Nation-Building, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) Komnas HAM beschließt Zähne zu zeigen

(Deutsch) Komnas HAM beschließt Zähne zu zeigen

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German version

Posted on 09:50 AM in "In the Spotlight", Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, SUARA magazine
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Indonesia: Human Rights Report 2002

Indonesia: Human Rights Report 2002

February 2003


During the year 2002 a number of positive developments have taken place in Indonesia. Some key aspects of these are that agreements to resolve conflicts in Aceh, the Moluccas and Poso/Sulawesi have been signed, that the military and police have announced that they will relinquish their seats in Parliament and that Constitutional amendments codify some changes concerning Indonesia’s political system.

As is well known, Indonesia has fallen victim to a severe terrorist attack, which resulted in a huge loss ... read more

Posted on 07:59 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch's Studies and Reports
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US-East Timor agreement on ICC Article 98 detrimental to the protection of human rights

US-East Timor agreement on ICC Article 98 detrimental to the protection of human rights

SUARA No 3/02, October 2002

by Anett Keller

In September 2002, East Timor was the 79th state to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. However, before the ratification the East Timorese leadership had already signed a bilateral agreement which exempts US citizens from the applicability of several clauses of the Statute.

„East Timor is uniquely placed to recognize the importance of an International Criminal Court. (…) We are resolute in our conviction that lasting peace can only ... read more

Posted on 04:09 PM in Human Rights, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Publications, SUARA magazine
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(Deutsch) Der Aufarbeitungsprozess in Osttimor

(Deutsch) Der Aufarbeitungsprozess in Osttimor

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German version

Posted on 04:42 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Panglima TNI Meminta Maaf

(Bahasa Indonesia) Panglima TNI Meminta Maaf

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Indonesian version

Posted on 02:03 PM in democracy, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, security sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Drei Jahre Haft für den Ex-Gouverneur

(Deutsch) Drei Jahre Haft für den Ex-Gouverneur

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German version

Posted on 02:59 PM in Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Reaksi di Jerman terhadap vonis Pengadilan Ad Hoc Timtim

(Bahasa Indonesia) Reaksi di Jerman terhadap vonis Pengadilan Ad Hoc Timtim

Sorry, this entry is not available in English.
Indonesian version

Posted on 11:40 AM in Human Rights, Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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