Arsip Kata Kunci | Indonesia

(English) Social and economic changes in Papua since the Law on Special Autonomy came into effect

(English) Social and economic changes in Papua since the Law on Special Autonomy came into effect

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Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 23:24 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Indonesia, Papua
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(English) Human Rights in Papua – some remarks

(English) Human Rights in Papua – some remarks

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Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 23:12 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Hak Asasi Manusia, Indonesia, Papua, Kegiatan
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(English) Popular Participation since the Special Autonomy Law for the Province of Papua came into effect

(English) Popular Participation since the Special Autonomy Law for the Province of Papua came into effect

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Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 22:46 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Indonesia, Papua, Kegiatan
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Dokumentasi sumber hukum yang relevan tentang Otsus Papua

Dokumentasi sumber hukum yang relevan tentang Otsus Papua

Konperensi  “Autonomy for Papua – Opportunity or Illusion?”, 04-05  Juni 2003

Selected relevant provisions from the Broad Outlines of State Policy (GBHN) 1999-2004, the Law No. 21/2001 on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua, the Law No. 45/1999 on the on the Establishment of the Province of Central Irian Jaya, the Province of West Irian Jaya etc. and the Presidential Instruction No. 1/2003 on the Acceleration of the Implementation of Law No. 45/1999

Daftar Isi

I. Relevant Provisions from the MPR ... baca semuanya

Posted on 22:38 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, demokrasi, Indonesia, Hukum & Tata Negara, Papua, Publikasi, Kegiatan
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(English) Welcome Speech by H. E. Mr. Rahardjo Jamtomo, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, on the Conference on Special Autonomy in the Province of Papua, Berlin 4-5 June, 2003

(English) Welcome Speech by H. E. Mr. Rahardjo Jamtomo, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, on the Conference on Special Autonomy in the Province of Papua, Berlin 4-5 June, 2003

Maaf, halaman ini tidak ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 21:38 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, demokrasi, Indonesia, Papua, Publikasi, Kegiatan
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(English) Key elements of the Law on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua

(English) Key elements of the Law on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua

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Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 21:01 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, demokrasi, Indonesia, Hukum & Tata Negara, Papua, Kegiatan
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(English) Local government in Indonesia. The case of Papua

(English) Local government in Indonesia. The case of Papua

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Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 14:59 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Papua, Kegiatan
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(English) Human Rights in Papua: An overview

(English) Human Rights in Papua: An overview

Maaf, halaman ini tidak ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Versi bahasa Inggris

Posted on 01:11 in Aktivitas, Conference Autonomy for Papua, June 2003, Sejarah & Tinjauan, Indonesia, Papua, Konflik Regional
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(Deutsch) Indonesien: Panzer von Bord der ›Hoyerswerda‹

(Deutsch) Indonesien: Panzer von Bord der ›Hoyerswerda‹

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Versi bahasa Jerman

Posted on 20:24 in Aceh, Indonesia, Publikasi, Konflik Regional, Watch Indonesia! dalam Media
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(Deutsch) Deutsche Kriegsschiffe bei Militäroffensive in Aceh im Einsatz

(Deutsch) Deutsche Kriegsschiffe bei Militäroffensive in Aceh im Einsatz

Maaf, halaman ini tidak ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Versi bahasa Jerman

Posted on 15:08 in Aceh, Indonesia, Informasi dan Analisa, Publikasi, Konflik Regional, sektor keamanan dan pertahanan
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