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(Deutsch) Mehr als 100 Tote bei Massaker auf den Molukken

(Deutsch) Mehr als 100 Tote bei Massaker auf den Molukken

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Posted on 07:45 AM in Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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International Federation Warns of West Papua-East Timor Parallels in Letter to Indonesia’s President

International Federation Warns of West Papua-East Timor Parallels in Letter to Indonesia’s President

June 13, 2000

Warning of ominous parallels between the situation in West Papua and events last year in East Timor, Charles Scheiner, United Nations Representative of the International Federation for East Timor (IFET), urged Indonesia’s President Abdurrahman Wahid to “stop militia terror while it can still be controlled” in West Papua. The militias, Scheiner said in a letter sent to President Wahid on his visit today to the United Nations, “operate with the logistical and political support of the Indonesian ... read more

Posted on 07:19 AM in democracy, Joint Open Letters, Human Rights, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, security sector
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(Deutsch) Zur Entwicklung in Papua: Interview des Magazins „Jurnal“ mit George Junus Aditjondro

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Posted on 02:44 PM in Activities, Indonesia, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Round Table Talks on West Papua, June 2000, Events, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Rot-grüne Asienpolitik in der Kritik

(Deutsch) Rot-grüne Asienpolitik in der Kritik

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German version

Posted on 02:28 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, East Timor, Publications, security sector, Transitional Justice, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Schön, dass wir darüber geredet haben

(Deutsch) Schön, dass wir darüber geredet haben

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German version

Posted on 08:48 PM in Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Papua, Publications, Regional Conflicts
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(Deutsch) Die Rückkehr der Armee

(Deutsch) Die Rückkehr der Armee

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Posted on 09:53 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, security sector, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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Unnecessary Electricity – Siemens Deal Causes Political Tensions

Unnecessary Electricity – Siemens Deal Causes Political Tensions

06 June 2000

As the No. 1 German news magazine, ‘Der Spiegel’, in its issue of last week reports, the German government is to face trouble over a deal signed in 1995 between Siemens and the Indonesian power supply company PLN, to build the 1200 Megawatt ‘Paiton II’ power plant in East Java.

The $ 1,6 billion deal, which was brokered between the governments of ex-Chancellor Helmut Kohl and ex-President and dictator Suharto of Indonesia, might now prove to ... read more

Posted on 08:25 PM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications
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(Deutsch) Pressespiegel indonesische Streitkräfte

(Deutsch) Pressespiegel indonesische Streitkräfte

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Posted on 07:51 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Publications, security sector, Watch's Studies and Reports
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(Deutsch) Aceh bejubelt »humanitäre Pause«

(Deutsch) Aceh bejubelt »humanitäre Pause«

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Posted on 07:57 AM in Aceh, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Pressespiegel indonesische Streitkräfte

(Deutsch) Pressespiegel indonesische Streitkräfte

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German version

Posted on 07:06 AM in democracy, Indonesia, Publications, security sector, Watch's Studies and Reports
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