Tag Archive | Indonesia

(Deutsch) Noch mehr deutsche Panzer für Indonesien

(Deutsch) Noch mehr deutsche Panzer für Indonesien

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German version

Posted on 02:02 AM in democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Papua, Publications, security sector
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(Deutsch) Osttimor: US-Außenministerin besucht junge Demokratie

(Deutsch) Osttimor: US-Außenministerin besucht junge Demokratie

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German version

Posted on 03:20 AM in Elections & Political Parties, History & Overview, Human Development, Human Rights, East Timor, Society & Religion, State- & Nation-Building, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) Angesagt – aus der Arbeit von Watch Indonesia!

(Deutsch) Angesagt – aus der Arbeit von Watch Indonesia!

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German version

Posted on 08:26 PM in Activities, History & Overview, Human Rights, Indonesia, Recent Activities, Land & Indigenous Rights, Mining, Papua, Publications, Environment & Climate, SUARA magazine
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(Deutsch) Leopard-Export nach Indonesien fordert erstes Opfer

(Deutsch) Leopard-Export nach Indonesien fordert erstes Opfer

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German version

Posted on 12:44 AM in democracy, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Papua, Press Freedom, Publications, security sector
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Merkel sent the wrong signals

Merkel sent the wrong signals

Information and Analysis, 14 July 2012

 by Alex Flor

The Indonesian Constitution gives people the freedom to be atheists or communists, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was told by Constitutional Court chief Mahfud MD. These words, cited by the daily Jakarta Post sound nice.

As a matter of fact, Indonesian laws up until today are restrictive on the point of spreading communist ideology. Whether it be a revival of the PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia), once the biggest communist party outside of communist ... read more

Posted on 12:04 PM in democracy, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Society & Religion
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(Deutsch) Werte, Wachstum, Weltordnung

(Deutsch) Werte, Wachstum, Weltordnung

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German version

Posted on 12:33 AM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) „Die Freiheit, für die wir kämpfen…“

(Deutsch) „Die Freiheit, für die wir kämpfen…“

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German version

Posted on 03:18 AM in Human Development, Human Rights, East Timor, Politics & Democracy, Society & Religion, State- & Nation-Building, Transitional Justice
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(Deutsch) Neue Gewaltausbrüche in Papua

(Deutsch) Neue Gewaltausbrüche in Papua

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German version

Posted on 01:45 AM in "In the Spotlight", Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Papua, Press Freedom, Publications, Regional Conflicts
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(Deutsch) Indonesien – Traumziel für Investoren?

(Deutsch) Indonesien – Traumziel für Investoren?

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German version

Posted on 02:10 PM in Agro Fuels, democracy, Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Development, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Bahasa Indonesia) Dulu Akal-Akalan, Kini Asal-Asalan

(Bahasa Indonesia) Dulu Akal-Akalan, Kini Asal-Asalan

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Indonesian version

Posted on 11:57 AM in Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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