(Deutsch) »Ihrer Ansicht zu Indonesien«
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German version
Posted on 03:35 AM in Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, Society & Religion
(Deutsch) »Ihrer Ansicht zu Indonesien«
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German version
Posted on 03:35 AM in Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, Society & Religion
Shoot ’em all!
In the spotlight, 10 August 2017
by Yvonne Kunz
Indonesia is a country known to be quite rigorous when it comes to particular contraventions. Drug trafficking for example can be sanctioned with the death penalty legitimized by law. A new dimension has been reached with President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) encouragement to shoot drug traffickers on the spot see also Watch Indonesia!, Information und Analyse, 08 August 2017. Extra-judicial killings to tackle environmental issues again, seem to be a ... read more
Posted on 04:44 PM in "In the Spotlight", Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
(Deutsch) Mit Demokratieabbau gegen Anti-Demokraten
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German versionPosted on 04:09 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Justice, Human Rights, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Judiciary & Administration, Publications, Society & Religion
In Indonesia, the peasant struggle of Kendeng
open Democracy, 11 July 2017
by Alice Sakasi
„We are ‘orang desa’ (country people), far from big cities. Maybe it’s hard for you to imagine that we work close to the earth, outside and sweating from morning until night.“
Mbak Gunarti, one of the women leaders of the peasant struggle of Kendeng came back last month to Indonesia, in the island of Java where she lives among her Samin people, after having spent several weeks in Germany. There she ... read more
Posted on 11:38 PM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Mining, Publications, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
(Deutsch) Peu haba Aceh? Apa kabar, Indonesia?
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German versionPosted on 06:12 AM in Aceh, Activities, Visitor Programmes, democracy, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Regional Conflicts, security sector, Society & Religion, Studies, Transitional Justice
(Deutsch) neue Publikation: Peacebuilding in Aceh – zwischen Tsunami und Scharia
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German versionPosted on 04:48 AM in Aceh, democracy, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Regional Conflicts, security sector, Studies, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch's Studies and Reports
(Deutsch) neue Publikation: Peacebuilding in Aceh – zwischen Tsunami und Scharia
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German versionPosted on 04:48 AM in Aceh, democracy, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Rainforest, Regional Conflicts, security sector, Studies, Transitional Justice, Environment & Climate, Watch's Studies and Reports
(Deutsch) Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Aceh (Indonesien)
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German versionPosted on 11:34 PM in Aceh, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
(Deutsch) Aceh und die Scharia
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German versionPosted on 12:21 AM in Aceh, Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Society & Religion, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
(Bahasa Indonesia) Bongkar! – Alokasi Kursi DPR
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Indonesian versionPosted on 08:29 AM in democracy, Elections & Political Parties, Indonesia, Publications, Watch Indonesia! in the Media