Tag Archive | pulp and paper

(Deutsch) Deutsche Bank als „financial advisor“

(Deutsch) Deutsche Bank als „financial advisor“

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Posted on 05:20 PM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Joint Open Letters, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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Concerns regarding the United Fiber System pulpmill and wood chip mill in Indonesian Borneo (South Kalimantan)

Concerns regarding the United Fiber System pulpmill and wood chip mill in Indonesian Borneo (South Kalimantan)

common NGO letter, 21 November 2005

Raiffeisen Zentralbank
z.H. Gen.Dir. Dr. Walter Rothensteiner
Am Stadtpark 9
A-1030 Wien


Andritz AG
z.H. CEO Dr. Wolfgang Leitner
Stattegger Straße 18
A-8045 Graz


Re: Concerns regarding the United Fiber System pulpmill and wood chip mill in Indonesian Borneo (South Kalimantan)

Dear Mr. Leitner and Mr. Rothensteiner,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the involvement of your respective companies in the proposed construction of a huge pulp mill and of ... read more

Posted on 01:31 AM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, Joint Open Letters, Indonesia, Publications, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Deutsche Bank kooperiert mit Tropenwaldvernichtern in Indonesien

(Deutsch) Deutsche Bank kooperiert mit Tropenwaldvernichtern in Indonesien

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German version

Posted on 05:49 PM in Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, Watch Indonesia! in the Media
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(Deutsch) Aceh: Tropenwald-Raubbau im Leuser-Nationalpark fordert neue Opfer<br>Die Katastrophe von Kutacane

(Deutsch) Aceh: Tropenwald-Raubbau im Leuser-Nationalpark fordert neue Opfer
Die Katastrophe von Kutacane

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German version

Posted on 10:30 AM in Aceh, Indonesia, Information and Analysis, Publications, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Bau der Zellstofffabrik nochmal überdenken!

(Deutsch) Bau der Zellstofffabrik nochmal überdenken!

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Posted on 05:23 PM in Indonesia, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Korindo baut Zellstofffabrik

(Deutsch) Korindo baut Zellstofffabrik

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Posted on 05:14 PM in Indonesia, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate
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Pulp Factory Kiani Kertas in the limelight again

Pulp Factory Kiani Kertas in the limelight again


Watch Indonesia!, August 2005

Latest developments from Kalimantan

by Vinda Nairus and Marianne Klute

translated by Petra Stockmann and Christoph Assheuer

PT Kiani Kertas is in the headlines again – and had been so for years. Formerly, it belonged to the empire of timber baron Bob Hasan, one of Suharto’s buddies. Using state funds for his Kiani Kertas was one of the crimes for which Bob Hasan was eventually brought behind bars. Other Kiani Kertas headlines concerned the horrendous debts ... read more

Posted on 01:59 AM in Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate, SUARA magazine
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(Deutsch) “Katastrophales Papier” Kalimantan – Insel der Zukunft?

(Deutsch) “Katastrophales Papier” Kalimantan – Insel der Zukunft?

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Posted on 03:50 AM in Economy, Labor & Corruption, joint studies and reports, Human Rights, Indonesia, Land & Indigenous Rights, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Initiative 2000plus Berlin

(Deutsch) Initiative 2000plus Berlin

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Posted on 02:04 AM in Activities, Indonesia, Pulp & Paper, Environment & Climate
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(Deutsch) Deutschland ist mitverantwortlich für Umweltzerstörung auf Sumatra

(Deutsch) Deutschland ist mitverantwortlich für Umweltzerstörung auf Sumatra

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German version

Posted on 03:58 PM in Joint Press Releases & Statements, Indonesia, Publications, Pulp & Paper, Rainforest, Environment & Climate
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